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Have fun written in Braille


10 min1 participant

Identify and write numbers 0 to 9, forwards and backwards engaging in solitary play while building a rocket ship.

Let's play!

  1. Build a rocket with all the bricks starting with number “9”. Each brick has to represent a number lower than the previous one.

How to prepare

  • 1 base plate

  • 10 number bricks “0” to “9”

  • 1 number sign brick

  • 1 bowl

Place number sign in the top left corner of the base plate to indicate the bricks represent numbers.

Place the number bricks in the bowl.

Facilitation tips

  • Explain what a countdown is.

  • Create learning environments that empower young children to realize their potential: if the activity is linked to a story, the child will have a stronger motivation.

  • Try to let the child build their own strategy and explain it.

Possible variations

  • Pre-build the rocket with the first two bricks.

  • Add more bricks than necessary.

Download & print

  • Download in .docx

Children will develop these holistic skills

cognitive skills

  • Use numbers to count, organize, locate, compare: Count, read and write up to 100, 1000, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number, in multiples of twos, fives and tens; count up and down in tenths; recognize that tenths arise from dividing an object into 10 equal parts
  • Stabilize knowledge of small numbers: Given a number, identify one more and one less
  • Identify the braille characters: numerals 0-9

creative skills

  • Engage in solitary play activities for an ability appropriate amount of time

Did you know?

  • Children need a deep, conceptual understanding of content knowledge together with skills that enable them to apply what they know.

  • Cognitive skills mean concentration, problem solving, and flexible thinking by learning to tackle complex tasks and building effective strategies to identify solutions. 

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